
Reason 4: Failure To Focus On Dream Customer

If a stranger called you at your home, or showed up on your doorstep, would you just let
them in?

That’s a silly question, I know. The answer is a definite NO.

But why wouldn’t you let “just anyone” into your home?

Because you’d be concerned whether or not that person was someone you could get
along with. Someone you would feel comfortable around. Someone who respected you,
your home, and your family.

But once you get to know a person, and realize that they are someone you “click” with,
they tend to become a friend. And friends are generally welcomed whenever they feel
like they want to visit.

That’s just human nature. We know implicitly that we should be wary of “talking to
strangers.” We are wary of creating any type of relationship until we get to know what
someone is like.

But when most business owners go into their business, they throw all that “common
sense” out the window. They let anyone who shows up, calls in, or says they want to do
business with them, into their business “home.”

But, ironically, the risk of doing that is almost as high as letting a stranger into your
home. If you are not extremely selective about who you allow to become your customer,
you are going to very quickly find your business “overrun” with people who don’t respect
you and your team, who you don’t particularly enjoy dealing with, and who don’t actually
make you any money.

---- Steve Wilkinghoff
