

在澳州雪梨,有一對夫婦開了一間花店,生意興隆..人們奇怪:原因何在﹖ 原來這花店是專為客人送花給他們的仇人,包括前妻、前夫、上司、討厭的鄰居等...因此他們出售的花無論顏色和設計,也很特別的喔...



Make me a channel of your peace: 使我作祢和平之子
Where there is hatred, let me bring you love 在憎恨之處播下愛
Where there is injury, your pardon lord 在傷痕之處播下寬恕
And where there's doubt, true faith in you 在懷疑之處播下信心

O Master, grant that I may never seek 哦主啊使我少為自己求
So much to be consolded as to console, 少求受安慰,但求安慰人
To be understood as to understand 少求被瞭解,但求瞭解人
To be loved as to love with all my soul 少求愛但求全心付出愛

Make me a channel of your peace: 使我作祢和平之子
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope;在絕望處播下希望
Where there is darkness, - only light, 在黑暗之處播下光明
And where there's sadness, ever joy. 在憂傷之處播下歡樂

Make me a channel of your peace.使我作祢和平之子
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,在寬恕中我們便得赦免

In giving to all that we receive,在獻出時我們反有所得
And in dying that we're born to eternal life. 在死亡時便進入永生

2 則留言:

米生 說...


Stella Lo 說...

對呀, 如果收到禮物, 會是好氣還是好笑呢! = )